Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dandruff Causes - How To Treat It

You've probably already discovered how much of a nuisance it is in your everyday life to having dandrufff. Not only does it undermine your self-esteem, but it limits your wardrobe to light-colored clothing to camouflage the flakes.

So what is dandruff and how can you get rid of the itchy scalp and flaking that occurs?

Dandruff Causes

Doctors dispute the actual causes of dandruff and there is no definite reason given for those annoying oily or dry flakes on the scalp that soon appear in your hair. Your scalp sheds cells in a natural process but for some people, excessive flaking occurs when dead skin cells are shed at an increased rate.

Different theories include overactive oil glands, clogged oil glands, stress, diet, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene, and possibly a fungus such as P. Ovale. According to the Mayo Clinic, the fungus is often present in dandruff but may not cause it. The dandruff may, in fact, be causing the fungus.

Dandruff Treatments

Dandruff is not a threat to your health or life. It is not contagious and does not cause your hair to fall out. Getting rid of dandruff is beneficial to relieve an itchy scalp and for cosmetic reasons. If something's not right, it makes perfect sense to seek help.

Keep in mind that there is no definitive cure but there are several ways to manage it and keep in under control. Some dandruff treatments may work, some may not. Sometimes, what worked before, quits working and you have to move on to another remedy.

If your flaking is not too bad, you can start by washing your hair more often in tepid water with a mild shampoo. Every time you shampoo and condition your hair, make sure you rinse thoroughly to ensure there is no product left in your hair. Products not properly rinsed out can be a single cause of flaking. Avoid styling products that contain alcohol and use hair spray sparingly.

For serious dandruff, there are many solutions on the market today that contain salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, or coal tar to help control remove the dead cells and control any fungus. The cost is higher than other shampoos but it may be cheaper then visiting your dermatologist. Follow the directions carefully and massage thoroughly into your scalp for maximum results. Again, some shampoos may quit working and you may need to try another type.

See your dermatologist if symptoms persist. There may be an underlying cause of excessive flaking such as psoriasis or seborrhea dermatitis in which over-the-counter treatments are not very effective. Whilst prescription medications and shampoos can greatly reduce discomfort and ease symptoms, a cure is not guaranteed.

Home Remedies

Dandruff is frequently related to dryness of the scalp. There’s however an international of difference between dandruff and flakes of dry skin from ones scalp, however it is not any doubt a scalp problem. Medically, dandruff is called ‘pityriasis’ and is end result of the ‘seborrhea’ that’s a disorder of the oil secreting glands of the scalp.
There are many natural how you can eliminate dandruff. To exfoliate dry flakes without dehydrating your skin, steep two green tea bags in hot water for 20 minutes, cool, cut open the bag, and massage the tea into your scalp. Or, grab a bottle of white or apple cider vinegar and blend 1/4-cup vinegar with an equal amount of water. Pour into an empty spray bottle and spritz on damp hair. Wrap your head in a towel for roughly half-hour. Then rinse your locks and wash that dandruff away for good.
Using anti-dandruff shampoo while washing your hair is the best way to make your hair dandruff free. But regular use of shampoo, without taking the guidance of a hair/skin specialist can harm the unique wonderful thing about your hair. Therefore, if you’re caught by dandruff, first visit a skin specialist to spot the basis of the difficulty.
Mix 8 tbsp. peanut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the combination into your hair, leave on for 10 minutes after which wash as usual.
Another one in all natures’ helpers will be lime. A teaspoon of clean lime juice added to freshly washed hair may additionally do the job. Not just will you hair have a shining glow nevertheless it helps to regulate dandruff. Boiling the head of beet roots in water, then washing it onto your hair and massaging it into your scalp is another good way to manipulate dandruff, in addition to vinegar. Mix some vinegar with water and massage it into your hair and that are supposed to do the trick.
Try washing your hair with 1/4 cup buttermilk like all shampoo and leave it on for approximately 5-10 minutes. Try this for 1-2 weeks. Then wash out hair using a small amount of shampoo. Your hair may smell a touch funny, but this really works.
Mix 1/2 cup of peroxide with 1/3 cup of orange juice and pour it to your hair. The dandruff flakes will disappear. Your hair doesn’t smell that bad, either!
Listerine mouthwash can be used because of it's antiseptic ability to reduce germs and fungus. It can irritate your scalp so don't apply it if you have a "raw" scalp or any open sores.
Aloe Vera is a popular home remedy for a large variety of skin conditions and dandruff is no exception. The best natural remedy is to take the gel from Aloe Vera leaves, apply it directly to your scalp and leave in for hours at a time or overnight, followed by shampooing.
Look for tree oil shampoo at a store that specializes in natural and organic products. Known for it's antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal abilities, tree oil shampoo can be effective in treating dandruff. If your scalp is sore, test a spot first to see if it causes further irritation or allergies.
When babies have dry, thick flaking on their scalp, it's known as "cradle cap." Often, rubbing baby oil over their scalp softens the flakes for removal and helps prevent more from forming. For small areas, adults can try this too.
Wash your hair each time you wash it with baking soda only. Before everything your hair will look much worse, and the flakes will too. Your hair might be dry and possibly stringy – do that for approximately 3 weeks. That provides your scalp of venture to accumulate it’s natural oils and by then the flakes may be gone.

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